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Slashdot's 10 Most-Visited Stories of 2017 ( 35

Slashdot's most-visited story of 2017 was Google Has Demonstrated a Successful Practical Attack Against SHA-1, which was visited more than 212,000 times since it was published in Feburary.

And our second- and third-most popular stories also came in February -- both just one week before.

FCC Chairman Wants It To Be Easier To Listen To Free FM Radio On Your Smartphone and IT Decisions Makers and Executives Don't Agree On Cyber Security Responsibility.

Keep reading for a complete list of Slashdot's 10 most-visited stories of 2017.
Here's a quick reminder for 2018. You can always find a list of Slashdot's ten most-visited stories for the preceding year in the Slashdot "Hall of Fame." It will also tell you which stories got the most comments during the preceding year, and also reveals the most active submitters and most active poll topics.

Here's our most-visited stories for 2017.
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Slashdot's 10 Most-Visited Stories of 2017

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