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20 Years of Stuff That Matters 726

Today we're marking Slashdot's 20th birthday. 20 years is a long time on the internet. Many websites have come and gone over that time, and many that stuck around haven't had any interest in preserving their older content. Fortunately, as Slashdot approaches its 163,000th story, we've managed to keep track of almost all our old postings - all but the first 2^10, or so. In addition to that, we've held onto user comments, the lifeblood of the site, from 1999 onward. As we celebrate Slashdot's 20th anniversary this month, we thought we'd take a moment to highlight a few of the notable or interesting stories and discussions that have happened here in the past decade and a half. This is part of our 20-year anniversary celebration, and we've set up a page to coordinate user meet-ups. We'll be continuing to run some special pieces throughout the month, so keep an eye out for those.

Read on for a trip down memory lane.

Update: Slashdot founder CmdrTaco has taken to Medium with some of his own Slashdot nostalgia.

The most obvious place to start would be some of the stories listed in the Hall of Fame. While Slashdot isn't a political site, we do post particularly relevant political news, and two of the three most commented-on posts were about the winning of a U.S. presidential election. John Kerry's concession to George W. Bush in 2004 drew 5687 comments, more than half again as much as Barack Obama's victory in 2008. Interestingly, Obama's name was thrown around in the 2004 thread as possible future candidate, but many thought he'd be running for vice president alongside Hillary Clinton or another, more established Democrat name. A few other tidbits: health care was mentioned much more often in the 2008 discussion, while comments on the military were four times as common in 2004. The economy was discussed slightly more in 2004, while mentions of the banking system in 2008 far surpassed the 2004 count.

While a few other political discussions rank in the top 10 for total comments, total views is another story. A quick and simple post about source code leaks for Windows 2000 and NT has garnered over 700,000 views. It generated a great deal of insightful commentary on the security implications of the leak and how the code should be approached by developers curious to get a look. Many users warned others off of glancing at Microsoft code, fearing that copyrighted samples would find their way into open source projects, thus giving Microsoft a tool with which to disrupt the projects. This leak followed one a few months earlier of the Half-Life 2 source code, which garnered a strong but much different reaction. Many called for Valve to go ahead and open source the game, since the cat was out of the bag. Others were worried about the influx of bots and cheats for the game, since the people writing those tools had much clearer access to the game's internals.

Two of our other most popular posts, and two of the most significant to us internally, are posts about somebody trying to get us to delete comments. We've always taken a strong stance both for preserving freedom of speech, and for simply providing a reliable wall upon which readers can scribble their words and know the words won't disappear. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act made that difficult in a few situations, and we made sure to be open and transparent about what happened. In early 2000, Microsoft asked us to kill off a few comments. We asked you folks how we should proceed, and you had no shortage of suggestions. Then, almost a year later, the Church of Scientology happened to notice a Slashdot comment which contained copyrighted text: part of the Fishman Affidavit, court documents that contained church course materials as well as criticism of the organization and its leadership. This was part of a war Scientology had been waging for several years to keep the documents secret. We were forced to remove the comment, but CmdrTaco's notification post thoroughly demonstrated how useless such an action was in the digital age, and encouraged people to reach out to their representatives to speak against the DMCA. He wrote, "This is the first time since we instituted our moderation system that a comment has had to be removed because of its content, and believe me nobody is more broken-hearted about it than me." He also went out of his way to point out the bad press surrounding the church for various other incidents. Fortunately, those types of requests seem to be largely behind us, now.

As the site evolved in those early days, the staff began to realize that the Slashdot community wasn't just absorbing the news and moving on; it was digesting the news and coming back with knowledgeable additions in the discussion. As interesting as an article may be, the community's response to it could generate informed discussion that surpassed the article tenfold. The staff considered how to harness this attribute to help the community, and shortly thereafter Ask Slashdot was born. In the time since then, almost 10,000 reader questions have been answered by other readers, and they frequently form the basis for the site's most informative discussions. The most popular was certainly "What's keeping you on Windows?" from 2002, a question that was revisited almost a decade later. Many of the specific reasons changed in that time, but the ability to easily play games was a sticking point for users in both discussions. There have been many common refrains over the years: how to get into IT or programming, how to get kids into it, what kind of phone/GPU/HDD/monitor to buy, or how best to put together some arcane but useful device or program. They occasionally get rather esoteric: questions about finding beautiful code, depressing sci-fi, or trying to pin down the biggest lies told by hardware and software vendors. Ask Slashdot is also sometimes used as a method of defense. Early this year, when the Stop Online Piracy Act and its sibling PIPA threatened freedom of speech on the web, we used it as a vehicle to show precisely why the legislation was bad, and figure out what more could be done to prevent them from being signed into law.

Slashdot's audience has always been very much about science, as well. This manifests itself in several different ways. For one, since readers' level of scientific education is higher, on average, than the general population's, any attack on science meets with strong opposition. For example, debates about creationism in the classroom spark a great deal of interesting discourse. While there's often a fair amount of vitriol, there are also well-reasoned and politely stated arguments. Other science-related topics sidestep the arguing in favor of excitement and wonder; when SpaceShipOne achieved the X-prize in 2004, the comment section was ripe with hopes for the commercial space sector (which is continuing to blossom today) and the possibility of ubiquitous spaceflight in our lifetimes. More recently, the discussion of CERN's supposed faster-than-light neutrinos, which took place over many months, brought into sharp relief the difficulties bleeding-edge science faces, and the resilience of the scientific method itself, which compelled researchers to come forward with results they suspected were wrong and then engage the scientific community in the task of confirming or repudiating them.

One of the greatest things about the Slashdot community is its above average level of understanding for all things technical. Commenters, submitters, and interviewees alike understand they don't have to use layman's terms to describe complex concepts. One of the best examples happened earlier this year when a group of fusion researchers from MIT got together to answer questions from readers on the state of fusion power. They didn't hold back, and were happy to provide a ton of very interesting information on how fusion reactors work, what it will take to make it a viable technology, what the safety issues are, and more. Similarly, there have been some fantastic, techinical answers from people like John Carmack, Vint Cerf, and Bjarne Stroustrup. But even when the interviews aren't highly technical, the community's strong opinions can lend themselves to contentious but productive discussions, as happened with Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich over the band's fight against file sharing, a Marketing exec for Microsoft Windows over some of the company's competitive practices, and Richard Stallman about the ethics of free software and open source.

It's also interesting to go back and look at stories that flew under the radar at the time, but later developed into huge, ongoing news items. For example, the launch of WikiLeaks in 2007 met mainly indifference and doubts that such a repository could do anything useful. Similarly, Google's unveiling of Android in 2007 brought a lot of speculation as to how open it would be and whether another phone OS could succeed. Facebook didn't get a mention on the site until late 2005, and its opening to the public the next year brought skepticism that it could trump MySpace or operate without compromising user privacy. The announcement of SpaceX by Elon Musk was blandly titled "Another Private Space Startup." Wikipedia got a couple of mentions in early 2001, even from Jimmy Wales himself. And, not exactly under the radar, but who can forget the early critique of Apple's original iPod?

On a more somber note, this collection of old stories wouldn't be complete without mentioning the day of September 11th, 2001. Here is how the page looked that day. News organizations around the world got a lesson in how people flock to the internet in times of emergency, and Slashdot was no exception. Readers congregated to share news as it was happening, and the staff frantically shut off portions of the site to keep it from buckling under the strain. It's a set of problems that have largely been solved in 2017, but they were new back then.

The last couple years have seen our world become more polarized than ever before, or at least it seems that way, likely because of the internet. Some of the most discussed and visited stories of the past year include the election of Donald Trump, Google firing engineer James Damore for writing a memo, to Silicon Valley investors calling for California to secede from the United States. One non-political, less polarizing story that made the Slashdot 2017 Hall of Fame was "Slashdot Asks: What's Your Favorite Sci-Fi Movie?", which is about as Slashdot as Slashdot gets, and the comments are well worth the read.

We hope this walk back through Slashdot's history provided a nostalgic diversion for you. With over 162,000 to pick from, it's inevitable that we'll leave some good ones out, so feel free to share in the comments any particular stories that have stuck in your memory. A lot of you have been around and contributing to the site for years, and we hope you'll stick around for years more. This is part of our 20-year anniversary celebration, and we've set up a page to coordinate user meet-ups. We'll be continuing to run some special pieces throughout the month, so keep an eye out for those.

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20 Years of Stuff That Matters

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:13AM (#55314597)

    ... or was forced out...

    • I've been on slashdot since 2000 or so, and I did not notice much of a difference between CmdrTaco here and CmdrTaco gone.

      • by jandrese ( 485 ) <> on Thursday October 05, 2017 @11:22AM (#55315045) Homepage Journal
        You can tell a real Slashdot old timer when you run across someone who still has the friend/foe stuff setup.
        • by Whibla ( 210729 )

          Even when half your 'friends' no longer come out to play anymore.

        • by phayes ( 202222 )

          Too bad the number of friends/foes is capped. I find the system to be very useful to upvote comments from people I have found insightful that haven’t been upmodded but can’t add any more because I’ve reached the limits.

          • I love your .SIG.

            Democracy is the two wolves dressed up in wool, discussing calmly with the well-armed sheep which restaurant they should eat in, while demonstrating that vegetarianism is in nobody's best interests as farming sheep is very bad for the planet.
      • by Tom ( 822 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @11:54AM (#55315357) Homepage Journal

        He was very noticeable earlier than that. When I joined /. (sorry, don't remember when it was, but definitely before 99) it still had that feeling of a personal blog that was unusually successful. We didn't even call them "blogs" back then. :-)

        The main differences in /. between then and now are:
        * it now feels more "under editorial control" and less personal
        * the meta-moderation system didn't exist
        * the old comment system was better. :-)

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        The stories didn't change much, at least at first, and in the long run I'm not sure how much was just the changing nature of tech and the internet and how much was Slashdot.

        The one thing I did miss when Taco left was his occasional but usually great comments.

        Anyone else remember Slashdot Radio? I actually quite enjoyed that. Still hoping to get that surgery for HSV controls on my eyeballs one day.

    • by Applehu Akbar ( 2968043 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @11:12AM (#55314973)

      Go to the linked 9/11 page, and the top story on 9/11 itself. What jumped out at me right away was the quality of the comments that got modded Troll that day. They were for the most part anti-Islam screeds and gummint-did-it conspiracy theorists, but all of them composed by someone who actually expected their commentary to be read by others. Not a single instance of app apping cow nonsense, references to gay ethnics, or multipage cut-and-paste fetish descriptions.

      If this site is not going to be News For Nerds anymore, let's at least bring back our literate trolls.

      • by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @11:30AM (#55315119)

        That's true. We did have a more sophisticated kind of trolls back in the days.

        But in the early days, there were true masters of the dark art, they could make comments so carefully crafted to goad you into actually replying in an attempt to actually engage in a meaningful discussion, and they even replied. Not even with canned statements but with witty, if trolling, remarks. Back then it was actually a challenge to know whether someone's just trying to fool you.

  • by ebrandsberg ( 75344 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:20AM (#55314623)

    9/11. At the time, my habit was to login and go to sites like for the morning's news. None of the normal news sites would come up. That is odd I thought. Continued onto /., where I first saw the post about it. I immediately went and turned on the TV. Crazy stuff.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Your comment reminded me of heroes. And there's one Slashdot Hero that I'd like to thank for his fantastic contributions over the years: John C. Randolph [], also known as "jcr".

      There are few users here whose comments I look forward to reading. John is among those commenters. When I'm scrolling through the comments rapidly and "~jcr" catches my eye, I stop and read the comment every time.

      John embodies the original spirit of Slashdot. Unlike so many here, he has a huge amount of hands-on industry experience wor

  • by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:20AM (#55314625)

    Indeed, unfortunately only rarely news for nerds.

  • by JackieBrown ( 987087 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:21AM (#55314641)

    I enjoy coming here.

    Even if it has gotten worse (and that varies), Slashdot still has the best comment layout and system out of any news site I read

  • MEEPT!! (Score:5, Funny)

    by ABEND ( 15913 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:27AM (#55314665)

    Who could ever forget The Glorious Meept!! []?

  • Not a first post (Score:4, Informative)

    by alanw ( 1822 ) <> on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:28AM (#55314673) Homepage

    But I must have been one of the first posters!

  • by stuff-n-things ( 89988 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:30AM (#55314691) Homepage

    Where are mentions of OMG Ponies! and the Parrot runtime?

  • (Score:4, Insightful)

    by nbvb ( 32836 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:38AM (#55314741) Journal

    My one and only accepted story submission turned out to be the launch article for

    My little piece of Slashdot history .... otherwise, my comments have been consistently useless for 20 years now.

  • by mcmonkey ( 96054 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:43AM (#55314773) Homepage

    Only users with 4 digit IDs should be allowed to post in this thread.

  • by DaedylusSL ( 1145293 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:51AM (#55314839)

    February 14, 2002 - The day that CmdrTaco's life changed forever: []

  • by gachunt ( 4485797 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:54AM (#55314865)
    This week also marks the 20th anniversary of Jakob Neilsen's article, How Users Read on the Web []. (published Oct. 1, 1997)

    Maybe the Slashdot editors should have a look at this article, given the tome that was included in today's post.
  • by Zen ( 8377 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @10:58AM (#55314885)

    I didn't remember that it was 20 years. I would actually have guessed 21 years ago. All I know is I was sitting in my college dorm and a friend from across the hall mentioned that a site we had been reading had just gone live with user accounts and I should jump on it to get a low account ID. He had already signed up and has a 3 digit account. I didn't care enough at the time, so I waited an hour or two. By that time I got a high four digit ID since so many people had already signed up. That was the speed of how important these things were to people 20 years ago. There were two tech sites that I read all day every day at that point, because new articles were posted sporadically, and you wanted your FIRST PSOT! /. was by far the most relevant site to me at the time, but I also read Tweak3d. Stories on /. in the first few years were very entertaining. Most didn't get a ton of comments, and then you'd come across a story that was overwhelmed with comments and you'd go through and read every one, often posting a response or three in some of the more active threads - even if you were posting anonymously in order to not lose your editor points or whatever they called them back then. And then you'd come across the duplicate posts, probably by some editor who was drunk at the time and didn't remember the story having already been posted. Comments on those were brutal. A few years after that there was a new staff member (I don't recall the name) that had more blog style articles that weren't strictly in the same vein as the normal /. articles, and people hated him with a passion! He was more of a professional journalist than a techie that was writing news for their friends like the other editors. The point is that there was real atmosphere. There was a real sense of belonging to a site that mattered and was interesting and creative at the same time.

    But things changed over the years. It was around 2010 or 2011 that the changes really took effect. The stories got less relevant, comments got less interesting, etc. Personally I still enjoy /. and read it every day, but I've probably only posted a dozen comments in the past 10 years, and it's rare that I even bother to look at the first few comments.

    The mojo is gone. The excitement that used to surround each story, and the way the people commented (yes, even including a couple of the original trolls that would FILL the comment section with repeated random garbage) is just different. It's likely because the founders are gone, and /. has gone through multiple corporate overlords since those first few years. Stories are more boilerplate and more like the stories on other websites now.

    There are likely still tens of thousands of lurkers like me from the early days that still read /. almost daily. Bring back the mojo and they'll start participating again.

  • by Morgaine ( 4316 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @11:11AM (#55314965)

    It's been a roller coaster ride for sure. Although the growing anti-science in the latter half of the site's existence has made it difficult for the original highly technical population to continue participating, Slashdot still manages to hold its niche together.

    I look forward to another 20 years. :-)

  • Happy Birthday! (Score:4, Informative)

    by wulfhere ( 94308 ) <[gro.snamffuh] [ta] [todhsals]> on Thursday October 05, 2017 @11:13AM (#55314981)

    Happy Birthday, Slashdot!

    For all your cruftiness, and all the complaints, you're still also the source of some of the most interesting discussions I run across on a day-to-day basis.

  • by HockeyPuck ( 141947 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @11:35AM (#55315173)

    The Voices from the Hellmouth [] series seemed like one of the most important stories on /. as enabled the masses of readers to express their own experiences of being bullied or treated by others within school. It seemed to be one of the first articles about us rather than about some technology or company.

    Recall that this story was from back in '99, way before being in IT/computers was cool or mainstream.

  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @11:37AM (#55315193) Journal

    Slashdot is still great. Happy birthday, and congratulations on finally implementing unicode.

  • by genka ( 148122 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @11:48AM (#55315295) Homepage Journal
    I'm surprised the article doesn't mention him. He was quite a prolific and controversial poster here.
  • by eepok ( 545733 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @11:54AM (#55315353) Homepage
    I've always been the go-to person for information, opinions, and guidance in my social group. When people ask where I get news and ideas, Slashdot is always at/near the top. It's a variety of related news plus some incredibly insightful comments. The value in my life has been thus far immeasurable.

    Especially in the wake of the Columbine shooting. The Jon Katz post "Voices from the Hellmouth" ( helped me understand that what I was experiencing wasn't abnormal. Nerds, geeks, gamers, goths, loners, introverts -- they were all being profiled as potential mass-murderers. Many were treated as suspects in thought crime. Many were forced into counseling out of such fear. And still the worst was that it was so extremely taboo to say, "While I don't condone what they did, I completely understand why they did it." And that taboo prevented any real reduction in pain for those "at risk" social rejects.

    When I went to college, I went in as "me". Long black hair, dark clothing, and chains. People were scared to be around me at first. One person asked me to play a game a gin rummy in my first week at the dorms. He used that game to inquire why "I was angry with life". (This is why I loved the first year of college. It was OK to ask awkward questions and get into deep discussions.) It was the first time someone had attempted that discussion with me. I told him that I wasn't angry with life, but that many things had happened in my life that made me feel contemplative and rebellious against certain ways of life. I continued and explained that I had decided that if "those people" looked like that, then I didn't want to identify is one of them by looking like them.

    His eyes burst open like he just suddenly understood a massive part of his own high school experience 4 months too late. We continued to play cards, but I couldn't get the hang of gin rummy. We played poker instead.

    In the following years, I decided to reinvent myself. The dark clothing went away. The hair went from long to short to long to short again. I got a bit athletic. I started learning about sports and held manly conversations with people about cars, football, and guns. (You know how it is... you learn one thing about at topic and suddenly you have to LEARN EVERYTHING.) Eventually, I discovered that I had become an undercover nerd. You wouldn't know it from looking at me, but half the time, I just want to go home and play Everquest. (Ya. I still play Everquest.) So when I break out my white-hot data skills, or legal knowledge, or when something at work requires me to learn a new vendor system and I master it in a couple days sufficient to send bug reports to the vendor, people flip out (with joy!).

    In today's workplace, people LOVE to have a nerd on hand. They'll happily put up marginal social quirks to have nerd powers in the office across the way. The nation's most visible million/billionaires are nerds. People WANT to look nerdy to be hip. People are demanding that teachers make more FEMALE nerds so we can reach NERD EQUITY. And today, the discussion of the high school harassment is completely blown wide open. Bullying, cyber-bullying, sexual harassment, microaggressions, picoaggressions, quantumshade -- today, in many schools, being mean is bad.

    It's not perfect. Your mileage may vary. But it's better.

    Still, every 4/20, when people are joking about weed on campus, I'm solemn because I remember what happened with a couple of kids felt so rejected and so alone that they retreated into a cesspool of resentment and no one cared to notice until the violence came. (Seems similar to the building of a lot of white resentment building in the nation today.) I have to explain to people that the root of the problem wasn't simply mental illness or the existence of guns. A major part of the problem was that people felt that it was absolutely OK for kids to torture kids.

    I've been part of higher education outreach into low-i
  • In the not-too-distant past the dominant voice on this site took a hard right turn. During the administration of Obama we saw a constant barrage of anti-Obama and anti-Clinton news bits on the front page, while simultaneously seeing articles that championed various right wing causes.

    Sure, we see some front page articles now that point out a subset of the failings of the current POTUS, but regardless of how much someone loves him it would be nearly impossible to not have to come to face with his failings on at least a daily basis.
  • by JeremyR ( 6924 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @12:12PM (#55315545)

    I don't see 3- and 4-digit user ids very often. Glad some are still around!

    Some have accused Slashdot of forsaking its mantra in search of more hits. While it may have been diluted a bit over the years, this is still my go-to for the nerdiest news. Hope you'll be around for another 20!

  • by decipher_saint ( 72686 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @12:25PM (#55315663)

    I started reading in 1999 but didn't create an account until a year later or so. I got wind of the place through a college instructor who talked of things such as Linux Install Parties - which at the time was the nerdiest sounding thing I had ever heard. I remember people posting links to tiny grainy videos of the prequel Star Wars and Matrix trailers hosted on their personal servers. I remember waiting sometimes up to a day to visit sources linked in stories because they were "slashdotted". I remember spilling my guts and talking shit and having actual insightful conversations with people - or getting modded down and having to think about the dumb ass stuff I was talking about. That had a big effect about how I thought about online communication that I don't think my tiny brain had contemplated before.

    I remember learning about new things, reading different points of view and growing up from a scraggly 20-something to a scraggly 40-something and watching my attitudes change over time (going back to old comments ... wow).

    Slashdot was everything I loved about IRC at the time but with a moderation system and some really interesting people. It's still kinda this today. I mean I still read every damn day so there's gotta be something goin' on here right? RIGHT? Anyway, when Taco left it didn't feel the same, and certainly we've had a lot more political, and slashvertisement stories than outright nerdly or technical ones but still more sedate and varied than other sources that still somehow exist.

    The only thing that has really left me with chills about this place is how people saw 15+ years ago how invasive technology would become and how much more difficult privacy would be to maintain and even how most people would likely give it up for nothin'... it seemed incredibly far-fetched at the time. Man...

    Anyway Happy 20th /. Thanks for filling my compile time since 1999!

  • by campuscodi ( 4234297 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @01:03PM (#55316007)
    Happy birthday /.
  • by RatBastard ( 949 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @01:08PM (#55316043) Homepage

    I started here after reading an interview with Dave Taylor, formerly of id Software. Stuck around for a while. Wandered to greener pastures and come back every once in a while to see how the old girl is doing.

  • by xanthos ( 73578 ) <xanthos@toke.3.1415926com minus pi> on Thursday October 05, 2017 @01:09PM (#55316045)
    Many of the comments I have read are lamenting that /. just ain't what it used to be. Kind of true, kind of not.

    What keeps me coming back are the pure simplicity of the site and the opportunity to learn by having the more esoteric stories explained by truly knowledgeable people.

    Happy bday Slashdot. May Cowboy Neal never die!
  • by socz ( 1057222 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @04:14PM (#55317415) Journal
    I saw this posted in the morning when it only had a few comments. Most of them saying how bad the site is now compared to its glory days. And although I haven't logged in a quite some time to post, I must say I still ready daily and find the discourse fascinating. Sure, there's a lot of chaff to go through, but as others put it, that's true of any website.

    /. has been through the hands of quite a few now, but the most important part remains: its users. I really enjoy finding that one post that goes into such extraneous detail that presents new to me information and concepts. Something I wouldn't have come across otherwise. And of course, you can usually find excellent lengthy posts - something that is sorely missed in typical social media websites.

    So thank you, posters, editors, and owners. Here's to another 20 years!

    In Soviet Russia, Slashdot celebrates you!
  • by RobinH ( 124750 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @04:24PM (#55317487) Homepage
    Sure, 9/11 was big. But JonKatz's Voices from the Hellmouth [] about Columbine was a big deal. Yes, we all grew tired of JonKatz eventually, but a lot of people opened up about their horrible experiences being bullied in high school. There's been a lot of improvements in schools recognizing bullying, though a lot of that has just moved online and gotten worse there. Still, for those of us who were here, that was a really memorable time. I'm surprised there was no mention.
  • by epine ( 68316 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @04:40PM (#55317643)

    Nostalgia? Pass the Gravol.

    The only large parameter I've ever cared about here is whether sharp story submissions encourage sharp dialogue.

    Why so often—during various epochs—story submissions tapering off into a woolly final sentence? Is it an actually goal here (by some) to unleash an obligatory pocket-protector Olympics of beat-the-buzzer geek stereotypy?

    Trolls, consider yourself trolled—for the extremely predictable lolz.

    No, true nerd-hood is about going through life in the spirit that no consequential detail is ever too small to hold up to the tomographic megaphone—for as long as it takes. Wool is what other people like to pull over the fine technical fine print. I continue to celebrate every wool-free story submission that /. has ever run.

    Blessed be the pinprick lightsaber that shears sheep.

  • by tamyrlin ( 51 ) on Thursday October 05, 2017 @04:41PM (#55317647) Homepage
    I don't think there are many websites that have made such a big impact as this site has made. Even though I don't really have time to partake in the discussions here (or at other websites for that matter due to real life) I still visit slashdot more or less daily and I often find interesting news here. Lets hope the site continues to run for 20 more years (by that time we will all be highly paid consultants working to fix the imminent 2038 year bug :) )
  • I organised the 10 year party in Canberra, Australia, at the "Uni Pub". I organised a plasticised "attendance card" for those who came. I still carry my card in my wallet. So, I can be called a "card-carrying Slashdoter".

One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
