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The State of Slashdot: Https, Poll Changes, Auto-Refresh, Videos, and More 546

As of yesterday, Slashdot now serves over https. In addition, the polls have been moved exclusively to the right rail, and will not show up with the other stories any longer. We've also disabled auto-refresh, and fixed various issues with search and other features. In the last few weeks, we've also discontinued videos, and removed the "Jobs" section of the site. You can follow all of the changes on the Slashdot blog.
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The State of Slashdot: Https, Poll Changes, Auto-Refresh, Videos, and More

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  • by OverlordQ ( 264228 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:41PM (#51701945) Journal

    Just kidding, I'm sure fixing slashcode for that is going to be a nightmare.

    • Re:Where's my UTF8? (Score:5, Informative)

      by whipslash ( 4433507 ) Works for Slashdot on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:41PM (#51701951) Journal
      It's coming
      • by Sowelu ( 713889 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:45PM (#51702007)

        Okay you know what, the changes around here--including responsiveness to user opinions--are getting really, really nice. Thank you.

        • by whipslash ( 4433507 ) Works for Slashdot on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:53PM (#51702091) Journal
          Glad you like it. We appreciate the support
          • Thanks for all the great work.

          • by BronsCon ( 927697 ) <> on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @04:22PM (#51703005) Journal
            And we appreciate you whipping slash into shape, Whipslash ;)
          • by Zak3056 ( 69287 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @05:34PM (#51703567) Journal

            Just want to say that your presence in some of these threads reminds me a lot of the old days, when Taco et al. would post about what was going on, what they were doing, even comment in stories. It's been sincerely missed, and it's a VERY welcome return.

            Thanks for buying this place. It will be nice to have /. actually turn back into the awesome site that it once was. Before the dark times. Before the Empire.

            • by cluening ( 6626 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @10:14PM (#51705323) Homepage

              Most of the time, when people say "Slashdot isn't the same as it was 15 years ago!", I reply with "You're not the same as you were 15 years ago!". Things change, and they can't always be like they were in the beginning. But this is one of those things that I miss too - having people who actually run the site comment on what's going on. And, although he probably won't see this reply due to nesting, I totally admire whipslash for diving into these threads like he/she has.

      • by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:55PM (#51702105) Journal

        Thanks for getting rid of auto-refresh. It sucked to have the page refresh while typing or scrolling.

        Be careful when you do unicode. I know that's often requested, so it'll probably be done, but be aware it makes protection from injection attacks (including sql & script) much trickier. You probably want do do encoding on output and bound parameters on input, rather than trying to filter input.

        The last day or two I had error saying I was posting from an open proxy, on multiple devices and networks. It seems something went wrong with that detection- possibly detecting your own load balancer.

        • by whipslash ( 4433507 ) Works for Slashdot on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:06PM (#51702209) Journal
          Noted. Yes we had an issue with the proxy detection, but we've since fixed it.
        • by epine ( 68316 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @05:07PM (#51703317)

          Does anyone actually want Unicode, or just a small subset of features missing from whatever encoding they now use, in the dominant encoding of the era? We've lived with parsimony for a long time now, just scrub everything in Unicode that isn't obviously a feature with a minimal down-side.

          Here's a sane approach. Go to the New York Times or The Atlantic or the WSJ or The Economist, download the top 1000 articles from the last 100 days and include every character you consistently find there (plus obvious gap fillers). That's all I ever wanted. Few or none of these characters will facilitate injection attacks. Then people can suggest other parts of Unicode on a case by case basis.

          Good grief, why would anyone adopt the whole seething enchilada all at once?

    • by lgw ( 121541 )

      Great start though. I too would like to see UTF8, but low-hanging fruit first. I guess it's time to change my sig.

  • by sinij ( 911942 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:42PM (#51701965)
    All moves in the right direction. To ensure lights are staying on, how can I give you money?
  • BLASHPEMER! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Thud457 ( 234763 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:43PM (#51701979) Homepage Journal

    and removed the "Jobs" section of the site

    You're going to pay dearly for you lack of faith when HE returns to Earth save *pple yet again.

  • Awesome (Score:5, Insightful)

    by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:43PM (#51701981) Homepage Journal
    Meet the new boss: so much better than the old boss. -- The Who
  • Good, good (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Wintermute__ ( 22920 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:43PM (#51701983)

    Good, good, good, good, good... Wait, what is this? Positive changes, nothing to complain about?

    I don't even know what to do.

    Good job Slashdot, keep it up.

    • Thanks for the support! Times they are a changin
      • Thank you, whipslash!

        And thanks also to your colleagues who did the work, provided support, and indeed those who made the tea or supplied the jokes. It's all useful, and progress has been made on Slashdot!

      • by Reziac ( 43301 ) *

        Hmm. I have javascript disabled, but I wonder if that was what had made the layout look funny lately (harder to read) cuz now that problem seems to have gone away.

        Anyway, it's great that Slashdot is once again about the users. Thumbs up.

  • by vivaoporto ( 1064484 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:50PM (#51702057)
    Congratulations to the new team, thats a big step towards keeping their loyal audience regaining goodwill among the tech crowd.

    The quality of the improvements and the effort of the new team is visible, it even gets an A on ssl quality test [].

    Good job and don't rest on the laurels, get working on the Unicode support because that's one of the missing features.
  • by NaCh0 ( 6124 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @02:55PM (#51702107) Homepage

    It's amazing what applying some focus can do in a short period of time.


  • by XanC ( 644172 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:00PM (#51702153)

    When connecting to Slashdot, I'm now cryptographically guaranteed to be talking to (drumroll please) Dice Holdings, Inc!

    So... are we being MitM'd by Dice, trying to get their old property back?

  • by Frag-A-Muffin ( 5490 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:01PM (#51702155)

    No, not the facebook one!

    All these changes were exactly what bugged me for the past little while here on /. , and I've been here for a while. Kudos!

  • by zlives ( 2009072 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:04PM (#51702185)

    just saying thanx

  • Comments link (Score:5, Insightful)

    by gspear ( 1166721 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:04PM (#51702189)
    Please restore the redundant "comments" link at the bottom of the summary. If I decide after reading the summary that it's worth reading the comments, it's annoying to have to scroll back if the top link has already scrolled past.
  • by TechyImmigrant ( 175943 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:08PM (#51702237) Homepage Journal

    When I connect to wifi hotspots in things like Coffee shops, they intercept the web access and route the connection to their "accept our stupid legal thing you didn't read".

    If I connect to a https web site, this doesn't work, because the redirected endpoint doesn't present the correct cert.

    So I always start by connecting to Slashdot, because it's not https. Now I'm going to have to find a different non-https web site.

    • by sconeu ( 64226 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:26PM (#51702429) Homepage Journal

      I use Might as well make the litigious bastards do SOMETHING useful...

    • So I always start by connecting to Slashdot, because it's not https. Now I'm going to have to find a different non-https web site.

      Slashdot should still work fine for that. When you type "" into your browser it goes to the HTTP site first and gets redirected to the HTTPS version. The coffee shops, etc., will intercept that first request and do their thing there. You won't get the redirect until you actually make a connection to []

      Personally, I use [] for that same purpose. It has redirected to HTTTPS for quite some time now, but it still works fine, for the same reason.

      • by repvik ( 96666 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @06:30PM (#51704077)

        It really shouldn't work.

        The plaintext version of slashdot uses http 301 (moved permanently), which causes the browser to simply skip connecting to the plaintext version the next time and connect directly to the redirected https URL. however, uses http 302 (moved), which does not cause this caching to occur, and will work just fine for this purpose.

        If Slashdot had used the "Strict-Transport-Security" header as well, your browser should categorically refuse to connect to the plaintext version (after your first connection) until the expiry date has been reached (usually quite a few weeks into the future)

        If you can use [] the same way you use [] your browser has security issues.

  • Thanks (Score:5, Funny)

    by dmbasso ( 1052166 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:12PM (#51702273)

    Now I can finally remove the [FUCK BETA] tag from my sig. Took only two years, but better late than never! :)

  • by c0d3g33k ( 102699 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:17PM (#51702319)

    At one point in the last couple of years, I was on the verge of bringing up the change password dialog, typing a bunch of random characters, NOT recording it and logging out. So I would not be able to log in again even if tempted.

    After some consideration, rather than just give up on the site, I moved /. to the bottom of my daily links list and started focusing my time and attention elsewhere, while checking back only occasionally.

    I'm beginning to be glad I didn't. Thanks for the positive changes.

    The real challenge will be to get those who did give up to return and give /. another try (and then stick around).

    What's that strange feeling? Why, I believe it's hope. How unusual.

  • by wjcofkc ( 964165 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:21PM (#51702367)

    When the company you work for took over SlashdotMedia and therefore Slashdot, I kinda flipped out and talked a whole lot of doom and gloom bullshit. No less, I was downright mean about it. In fact, I was mean and rude to you directly. As someone who has been here since day one, I was kinda panicked about Slashdot's continuation. In turn, your replies to my flaming were level-headed and even kind. It did not take me long to realize I was wrong about all if it and apologize. After reading this, I apologize twice over.

    Hey, can you find me three digit ID account? It was attached to a long gone - I know that is a long shot of a question.
  • by virtualXTC ( 609488 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:27PM (#51702447) Homepage
    I for one welcome my new Slashdot overloads! Thanks for the positive changes guys!
  • by Bearhouse ( 1034238 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:29PM (#51702475)

    Been here a good while, come most days...guess I like the place although Dice sure did their best to ruin it.
    Glad I stuck it through, and "thanks" for the positive changes.

    Against the flow, (but then again, I am a BSD neckbeard), don't listen to the bunnies screaming for UTF8.

    It'll increase your attack surface, hence give you a butthurt of work if you do it right, for...what?

    I've never seen a funny or insightful post that would have somehow been more hilarious or intelligent if it had accents in it.

  • by Skiron ( 735617 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:31PM (#51702489)
    I can now say "BOMB"
  • by Cederic ( 9623 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:31PM (#51702495) Journal

    thank you

  • Do Not Disable AC (Score:5, Insightful)

    by wjcofkc ( 964165 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:39PM (#51702579)
    I'm sure a few people will come out of the woodwork asking for removal of the Anonymous Coward account. Please do not do so. There are times when folks around here have something to say that will genuinely add to the conversation. Something that should be +insightful or +Interesting. But anyone and everyone around here knows that the culture is so unpredictable, it is sometimes safest to post as AC. Without AC, we would be missing a lot of really good comments that in fact do get modded up. There are also times when someone has something relevant to say, but do to the nature of the story and their comment relative to working for a particular institution they do not dare post otherwise. Among a number of other things. Besides, we have meta-moderation for a reason.
  • by Froze ( 398171 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:50PM (#51702707)

    It is a pleasure to peruse the site again after its digression into... commercialism?!. I had almost given up on it. Thank you for working to bring it back.

  • by freality ( 324306 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:51PM (#51702711) Homepage Journal

    I'm a long time user (mid-90s?) and happy to see the site breathing a breath of fresh air!

  • by e r ( 2847683 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:51PM (#51702715)
    Good work so far.

    One thing though: can we please have GitHub flavored markdown for comments?
    1. Faster/easier to type than verbose and pedantic HTML. (no more typing <br> after and between lines!)
    2. It should make it easier on your end to sanitize input.
    3. It should make it much easier to support posting snippets of code.
    4. Previews could be generated as-you-type or on-click on the client-side. For example, see the StackEdit extension on Chrome.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I really don't want to learn yet another proprietary markup language. So can we please keep it a standards based markup instead of flavor of the month? Thanks.

    • 2. It should make it easier on your end to sanitize input.

      How? By sticking your head in the sand and pretending that since it's a text-based format, you don't need to parse it, you can just shove it into whatever library came up as the first hit in a search for "convert markdown html perl"?

      markdown is a DWIM syntax, and that sort of thing is always extremely complicated. HTML is simple and predictable to parse. markdown is anything but. If you disagree, show me an EBNF for markdown.

      I do agree that better

  • by nrjyzerbuny ( 141033 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @03:58PM (#51702775)

    I just turned off AdBlock for the first time in years.

  • by wonkey_monkey ( 2592601 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @04:03PM (#51702823) Homepage

    On the subject of video, it's not inherently a bad thing. It was just never done well before. Poor editing and poor sound, poor choice of subjects, etc. I seem to remember one of some maker talking all about how his project worked, but no-one thought to actually get a decent shot of the thing in question.

    If you've got a story about a new kind of 3D printer which, I dunno, prints sideways or something, I wouldn't say no to a short, small, illustrative video.

    Now, have you fixed it so the "Ads disabled" button will stay ticked forever?

  • by Bugler412 ( 2610815 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @04:04PM (#51702845)
    Thank you!
  • by wardrich86 ( 4092007 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @04:22PM (#51703003)
    Is there an option to re-enable auto-refresh on a per-user basis? I actually appreciated that feature.
  • by Roger Wilcox ( 776904 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @04:39PM (#51703119)
    Way to listen to the userbase and make us feel at home again! Many thanks and keep up the good work!
  • by DiSKiLLeR ( 17651 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @04:46PM (#51703161) Homepage Journal


    That was the single most frustrating and annoying thing in the history of everything on the internet. It was worse than obnoxious ads even. The text you reading simply vanishing before your eyes and refreshing and landing in a difference spot every time and then having to find where you were at was just... urgh!!

  • by Compuser ( 14899 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @05:18PM (#51703407)

    Just another low ID user offering some encouragement.

  • by JimMcc ( 31079 ) on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @05:18PM (#51703419)

    Thank you.

  • A few years ago (before the last buyout) /. was my main technical news source. I came primarily for the community, then for the content, and lastly for some humor at the polls. No, not reporting on current political campaign polls, although I do remember watching the politics section go live.

    I want to share a little bit of my story: When I was a wee lad not yet in highschool my family got dial-up. I was so excited! The internet was new and so amazing. It was a very short time until I came across slashdot and for some reason I got hooked. I think it was the engineering humor and conversation (or perhaps jokes about a gritty Natalie Portman), but something about it stuck. This site tremendously sparked and influenced my love of technology. I'm now a successful fully-employed member of society (in an IT field no less!) and I can honestly blame ./ culture for much of my development.

    I've learned services, like friends, come and go. I was active in, and then watched, Digg dissapear. I saw some of the glimmer of Kuroshin. I've piddled around in Reddit. Slashdot was always in the back there though, if sometimes only because of distantly fond memories.

    I watched as certain strategic decisions ticked the "she's not going to make it jim" flag in my mind and I began to write Slashdot off. Recently however there is a new light behind the community. There is a new vibrancy. It's because you who are in charge are like us once again (one of us, one of us!). You understand that this isn't about the monies, it isn't about pageviews and numbers, it's about technologists by day who can take a few minutes to just be nerds and talk and discuss with each other. It's about having slashdot as hobby, an interest, someplace where I can hang up the coat and hang out for a while. You've started to remember that and it is showing. We, the community, see it. I feel at home here once again.

    Keep up the good work - here's to hoping ./ and it's community can be a home for the geeks, the nerds, the techies and all those inspiring to be. Thanks guys, she's looking good again!

  • by WheezyJoe ( 1168567 ) <> on Tuesday March 15, 2016 @09:50PM (#51705225)

    Real nice to have an actual human posting up about what's going on, and responding to comments.
    Thanks for thinking about us users (yeah, how about that!) and glad to be looking forward to future /.

  • by water-and-sewer ( 612923 ) on Thursday March 17, 2016 @06:11AM (#51713677) Homepage

    YeaIh, I know: your strategy wasn't "how the hell can we get water-and-sewer to come back to slashdot?" But thought I'd say thanks: your changes to the site, but moreover, your APPROACH to the site, makes Slashdot the kind of place I'm excited to come back to.

    Really glad to have a new team behind the steering wheel. This was my most-visited site on the Internet for many years, but over the past two I've probably visited a handful or so, and mostly to post snarky comments inviting people to check out other sites. Now, I'm back. ... and very impressed. Let me help you get the word out.

I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning. -- Plato
