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What sort of typist are you?

Displaying poll results.
Touch typist at 60+ words per minute
5752 votes / 37%
Touch typist but below 60 words per minute
3253 votes / 21%
I use my own custom typing method which is fast enough for me
3506 votes / 22%
I hunt and peck with a couple of fingers on each hand
1316 votes / 8%
I only use my thumbs on my phone's keyboard
118 votes / 0%
My IDE does auto-completion for me
369 votes / 2%
I use speech to text or some form of assistive typing
80 votes / 0%
CowboyNeal types it all for me
1036 votes / 6%
15430 total votes.

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What sort of typist are you?

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We don't really understand it, so we'll give it to the programmers.
